
Australian Regional Tourism Convention 2018

Invest in your professional development at the Australian Regional Tourism Convention 2018.

The conference is a must-attend event for regional tourism professionals. It provides a platform for delegates to exchange ideas, problem-solve shared challenges and discuss important issues facing our industry.

The 2018 Australian Regional Convention theme is "pushing the boundaries".

  1. Learn how to foster sustainable growth with Nigel Collin, a memorable speaker and business coach. Nigel will share strategies from his business help book, "Game of Inches".
  2. Explore agritourism in regional and rural Australia. What are its challenges and opportunities? Learn about the national strategic priorities identified and next steps.
  3. Discuss and compare two contrasting ends of the destination management spectrum, from digital marketing to product development strategies-what's best for your destination?

… and much more!

Download the conference program.

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