Investing in cleaner and greener communities

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Federal Minister for the Environment the Hon Melissa Price MP have announced that the Government will invest more than $22 million to deliver practical environmental projects, giving communities new opportunities to protect and care for their local environment.

The Communities Environment Program will provide up to $150,000 to each Federal electorate in 2019-20 for community-led projects that conserve and protect Australia’s environment. 

“We are harnessing local communities and local knowledge to protect our environment,” the Prime Minister said.

“Locals know best and we will support and encourage projects such as revegetating riverbanks and wetlands, removing weeds from parks and reserves or restoring sand dunes on our coasts.”

Minister for the Environment Melissa Price said the new program would protect the environment.

“From Sydney’s iconic waterways, to the beaches of Perth, to Port Phillip Bay and beyond, we will be supporting local groups to deliver clear and measurable benefits to our environment and our communities,” Minister Price said.

The program is modelled on the Government’s Stronger Communities program. Each electorate can receive funding for up to 20 projects, with grants ranging from $2,500 to $20,000.

The program will fund small-scale projects that deliver outcomes for priorities such as restoring coasts, wetlands, riverbanks and waterways, protecting native animals, reducing waste and litter, and greening local parks and urban areas.

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