New draft design guide for greening NSW urban areas

A draft design framework for planning, designing, and implementing urban green infrastructure has been published by the Government Architect New South Wales.

Green infrastructure is the network of green spaces, natural systems and semi-natural systems that supports sustainable communities and a good quality of life.

It includes waterways, bushland, tree canopy and green ground cover, parks, and open spaces.

GANSW says Greener Places: an urban green infrastructure design framework seeks to capture the “collective aspiration and expectations in planning, designing and delivering green infrastructure in urban areas across NSW”.

The draft guide provides strategies, performance criteria and recommendations to assist planning authorities and design and development communities deliver green infrastructure.

“It will help to create a healthier, more liveable, and sustainable urban environment by improving community access to recreation and exercise, supporting walking, and cycling connections, and improving the resilience of urban areas.”

The draft will remain on public exhibition until 7 August.