Review Into Victoria’s Rating System

The Victorian Minister for Local Government Adem Somyurek has announced the timeframes and terms of reference for the State Government’s review of the local government rating system.

The review will be undertaken by an independent panel led by former Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Childrens Hospital and City of Melbourne, Dr Kathy Alexander.

The panel will look at:

  • current local government rates and charges
  • current rating exemptions and concessions and their application to various classes of land, including farm land
  • the autonomy of local governments to apply a rating system that takes into account local factors
  • current exemptions and discounts for local government rates the impacts any recommended changes would have on councils, ratepayers and residents.

The Fair Go Rates cap, which has stopped a decade of average annual 6 per cent increases, will remain in place.

Victorians will be able to put their views to the panel and participate in the review process, with the panel to deliver their recommendations to government in March 2020.

For more information on the review visit For the full media release click here.